Ryerson's ReconciliACTION Room
On the road to truth and reconciliation, a group of grade 5/6 learners embarked on an artistic learning journey that called students to action. Through various projects, students explored indigenous artists, learned about treaties and territorial acknowledgments, and developed mathematic and artistic skills as they designed and created beaded wampum belts. This year-long indigenous focus included activities for Orange Shirt Day in September, Secret Path Week in October, Indigenous Veterans’ Day and National Treaties Week in November, and National Indigenous History Month in June. Students were exposed to a cross-curricular adventure that inspired a greeting card fundraiser, publicly acknowledging the history and naming of our school, a school smudging ceremony, and a class visit from Mike Downie and members of the Downie Wenjack Fund (in January before schools were closed)! Check out our site where we compiled some of our resources: bit.ly/reconciliaction