Dear Nicole,

As you head off to the world of middle school, there are a few thoughts I'd like for you to carry with you.

I want you to know that you have taught me much more than I could ever hope to teach you. You are a brilliant girl who has many gifts to share with the world. Your head-strong confidence and unyielding compassion have continually impressed me as I have gotten to know you over these two short years. Please do not ever lose an ounce of these essential traits that make you so wholly you.

I will never forget the day you ran your first mile.... The smile on your face as you rounded the bend, arms pumping overhead, hollering, "I'm about to do it, Mrs. Long!" was priceless. I'll also cherish the mornings we ran along the track together and you coached me about running on my toes, just as I had coached you in the previous months.

In your future, you will encounter individuals and situations that will attempt to discourage you and shake your self-belief. I want you to face them with the same pluckiness and sass that you have today. There will be folks (perhaps even folks you call friends) who will try to guide you down paths on which you should not venture. Do not listen to them! Remain steady on the road that you know is safest and that will lead you to higher ground.

There will also be challenges ahead -- perhaps challenges even greater than the ones you have faced thus far. Look those challenges in the eye and face them head-on. You have nothing to fear. With the good sense in your head and the kindness in your heart that you already possess, you are fully prepared to tackle any obstacle that may come your way. Do not run and hide in the face of adversity. Show those in doubt what you're made of and when it's over, relish the joys of knowing that you gave the challenge your best shot. You will continually surprise yourself with the knowledge of what you can conquer.

I'll never forget the conversation we had toward the end of this school year, just before testing when I was telling you how great you would do. You simply looked up at me, smiled, and said, "I know, Mrs. Long. I have confidence in myself." It was at that moment that I knew without a doubt that you would be fine, Nicole.

You possess the ability to do great things. As the old folks say, "keep your wits about you," and go do those things! I'll be waiting to hear about your many accomplishments. Continue to share your joys with me.

Mrs. Long

PS: You Go, Girl!

 Betsy Sanders-Long
 Twitter: @BeLong8899

 Mother, Learner,
 Runner, Teacher,
 Camden, S.Carolina, USA
Background photo by: Wesley Fryer        
Group Photo by: Ben Hazzard        
Betsy's Photo by: Andrew Forgrave