Dear Leanne,

I wonder how schooling can prepare ALL youth, not just some and not just the most intelligent or the kids who can "do" school and pass so that they can move on to the next step in their lives.

Leanne I know you graduated from high school this past year and maybe you are confused about which path to take to reach your objective - holding a good paying job that you can excel at. I wonder whether there might have been more and better support for you within high school to grapple with your key questions.

Some kids don't know what they want to do when they leave school. They don't feel really motivated by teachers, the system or their family and friends. The path is not always clear. Maybe this is due to socio-economic factors or other things beyond their control... broken home, unmotivated family members, money, etc.

I am sure there are many reasons why some youth do not "make it" or are disengaged. I think there needs to be more communication between and among stakeholders within the educational communities. We are all stakeholders: students, teachers, parents, administrators, and support staff. We need to be listening and communicating clearly when it comes to wishes, expectations and outcomes. Do we really understand our own and others' wants and needs? And, subsequently, are we able to communicate the kinds of support needed?

Recently we talked about how confusing it is to choose which path to take to reach your objective.

Immediately after graduating, you made the decision to study fashion buying and moved across the country in preparation to begin your studies. Immediately prior to the term beginning, you had serious reservations, withdrew, and moved back home. Now Leanne, you have decided to go back to school in the fall in a certificate course to learn the "ins" and "outs" of the hospitality management business - perhaps eventually to own your own business. This seemed to be a logical decision for you as you have held a number of hospitality jobs which you excel at and enjoy. You have been getting great support from family and some friends to pursue this approach but now, again, your not sure. You are now having second thoughts as some of your friends in the hospitality "bizz" are telling you the certificate is a waste of time - "you will get better experience just working your way up in the restaurants you are hired at".

You needed strong, reliable and respected input from stakeholders within your educational world. You need confidence in an informal process to make some very important life decisions - and support once that decision is made.

We will take the time to listen, guide and support your decisions, trying to help you consider your options and choices openly and honestly.

Perhaps we can find a better way to help prepare students like you to deal with life's key decisions.

Gilles Latour

 Gilles Latour
 Blog: Canadian
  Education Association

 Twitter: @gillesrlatour

 Chief Operating
 Officer, CEA
 Toronto, Ontario, CAN
Background photo by: Wesley Fryer        
Group Photo by: Andrew Forgrave        
Gilles' Photo by: Andrew Forgrave