Dear new Teachers,

I was declared redundant in June 2012. I was devastated. A job that increasingly intensified a passion deep within was gone. You may need to be ready for the reality of this:

Dear Ms. Swift we regret to inform you that as a result of the staffing process your position is declared redundant and will be terminated as of June 2012.

It stung to realize that despite the measures I had taken to become more knowledgeable in my field, that really, I had a job one day and didn't the next. It was also at that moment that my baby teacher soul got hit with a cold dose of reality.

With a little perspective, I realized, job or no job, no one will ever be able to take the teacher out of me. It is at the core of who I am, which likely explains why I haven't lost hope in being a part of our profession as student or teacher. This is also my message to you; make choices and take actions that will fuel you to persevere in pursuit of a position in education.

Be willing to think differently. Take risks with your personal learning and chart new territory. Remain fearless. It is not about what you are not doing in your classroom, it is about what you are willing to do. Listen to the teachers and leaders around you and internalize what they share. There is comfort in the experiences, knowledge and wisdom they can offer you. Attend educational conferences - learn what is new and exciting in our profession, stay fresh and be open. Start a reading group, bring research to the table and share your thoughts. Take it a step further and publish them. Embrace the criticism. It is rich and thought provoking, and it can only make you better. Participate in the virtual world. Include your voice alongside the brilliant minds around the world who share in your teaching philosophies. Find the courage to move beyond your comfort zone as a teacher - the experience, the vulnerability, the openness it creates enriches you as a teacher and pushes learning forward.

I was threatened by my experience. However, engaging in learning by surrounding myself with people who are passionate about education and passionate about children keeps me energized, calm, focused, and reassured that exciting opportunities in education are on the horizon. It is up to you to carve out your future.

Yours in hope,

Jessica Swift

 Jessica Swift
 Blog:Swifty Speaks
 Twitter: @swiftyspeaks

 London, Ontario, CAN
Background photo by: Rodd Lucier        
Group Photo by: Ben Hazzard        
Jessica's Photo by: Lisa Neale