A Letter to UnPlug’d 2012 Participants

Dear UnPlug’rs, On the eve of what promises to be a very memorable weekend, I feel very privileged to be in your company in this time and place. This letter serves as the first of many formal and informal conversation that we’ll be sharing face to face with one another over the next three days. So, as we begin, let me remind you of the context for the weekend.

My name is Rodd. I’m a teacher and I am a learner. I teach in a classroom, and I teach online, and this week, I’m working with an amazing team to share with you a lesson that we think is pretty special.

It started when we asked you to think about spending some time learning face to face with your online colleagues.
And you said “Sure. When?”

We suggested meeting over three full days and nights.
And you said… “OK. Where?”

We outlined the fact that we’d like to meet in Toronto but then travel by train to a little town called South River, and then find our way to an inland lake and a resort called Northern Edge.
And you said… “Sounds good. Why?”

We confirmed that we’ll dig into stories and conversations to deepen personal connections and that while doing so, we’d write a book.
And you said… “Nice idea. How?”

We shared our idea for unplugging from our digital networks in order to learn face-to-face with known, but largely unfamiliar co-authors. We explained how we’ll do it in ways that still manage to leverage technology and then we invited you to participate in a few online meetings where we promised to flesh out the experience for you.
And you either attended those meetings or visited the recordings.
And then you said “Ok-ayyyy…. What do I have to do?”

We offered you homework: a letter to write; a related story to share; a stone to find and decorate; and the directions to meet at this time and place.

And you’re here!

You’ve invested intellectually; you’ve invested financially; you’ve invested socially (emotionally?). Your time and attention has brought you to the here and now... and we’re very, very, very happy for the opportunity to spend the next few days in conversation with you. With any luck, the work we do will inspire ongoing dialogue that reaching well beyond this group.

Welcome, and thank you for agreeing to participate in UnPlug’d 2012.


 Rodd Lucier
 Blog: The Clever Sheep
 Twitter: @thecleversheep

 Student Success Teacher
 Komoka, Ontario, CAN
Background photo by: Rodd Lucier        
Group Photo by: Todd Lucier        
Rodd's Photo by: Andy McKiel