April iPhone Photo Project: Update!

Okay, so April has begun, and with it, the April 2011 iPhone Photo Project! Welcome to those who have already started to play, and to those who have yet to start. It’s never too late to take that first step!  (Especially now, since it’s only Day02 !)

Given that the original Day02 topic somehow wound up referencing “workplace,” and most of us are likely enjoying a “weekend place” today, I’ve moved that topic to Day04, and posted Day02 and Day03 for the weekend. Feel free to adjust your schedule to suit and capture your pics whenever they seem to fit.  (I’m also conscious that because some photos might be app-dependent, a one-day response time might not always work for everyone.) As with most photo-a-day projects, as The Artist, you get to make your own rules!

Also, I’m sure that many of you have a favourite iPhone camera app that you might like to share, or perhaps an iPhone-appropriate topic that you might like to offer, so I’ve posted a simple google form where I invite you to make suggestions.

Suggest an iPhone app or topic for our project.

In case we might assemble our results at a later date (closer to the end of the month, perhaps), please consider tagging your photo using the #iPPPDayXX tag.

Our group on Flickr: April 2011 iPhone Photo Project