After only getting to try The Daily Create, tdc2016 yesterday on my iPhone, I wanted to revisit the RoboBoogie website on my computer. After playing with the code generator for a few minutes, I started animating all of the robots, and captured each one as a short video.
For each of the seven robot videos,
1) import into Photoshop, isolate 25 unique frames, make the background transparent for each frame
2) import grouped layers into master Photoshop file
3) re-assigned each robot’s 25 frames across the 25 frames within the all robot GIF.
4) add in a background for the robots to dance in front of.
In closing, I made an mp3 of one of the music tracks, and then used the John Johnson trick to make the mp3/ogg playable on a click.
Voila! Seven Dancing Robots!
They also dance on Mars, in Vegas, and in Fredericksburg!
Background Images
- Beach
- Mars
- Las Vegas
- Co-Work, in Fredericksburg, VA. image from bavatuesdays, by @jimgroom
Love it, some gifs need sound indeed. Quite a lot of work, 175 frames made transparent!
Once I got the magic wand tool set properly, it was a fairly quick process to remove the white background.
1) shift-click to select the white bits
2) delete key to remove the white bits
3) click to select the next frame
4) click to select the corresponding layer
It seems that editing the page in the Visual editor strips out the Javascript in the tag. Something to remember in future — don’t revisit the page in the Visual editor once the Javascript is in place.
Hi Andrew,
I know that repeat cycle:-)
Love the extra locations. One you have all the transparent frames….
This might be of interest to avoid the JavaScript removal:
I am making a plugin.
Now that is what I call a Daily Create! Wonderful! You made something out of a prompt I found uninspiring. Reminds me of something Ryan Seslow wrote recently: “Things can always, always, always be another way.” I sometimes miss looking beyond the obvious prompt. Your post reminded me of that and it’s such a fun gif! With sound! What more could a girl ask for after a long day doing admin for work?!