March iPhone Photo Project: iPPP2Day26

#iPPP2Day26 Create a pop-art variant, or a short story or sequence using the soso Camera Lite app by dreamo. A 2-by-2 matrix of pics shows good detail, whereas a larger number of images works better to capture the animation of a moment. You can adjust the numbers of images by row and column, and the time interval between the taking of the images. There is also a colour/b&w toggle and a small selection of effects.  What story will you tell?

soso Camera Lite (free) and soso Camera (99 cents)

soso Camera Lite & soso Camera (99 cents)

The settings control pane below shows soso Camera Lite set to take a 3×3 matrix of images at an interval of 0.5 seconds.

soso Camera settings panel (and a keyboard)

soso Camera settings panel (and a keyboard)

Post your pic to Flickr, and add it to the March iPhone Photo Project group. Tag it with #iPPP2Day26.

Details of the March 2012 iPhone Photo Project