NPM13 Day 1: After the Show. The Show Begins.

After the Show. The Show Begins.

Aspiring scientist. Aspiring artist.
After the Friday Night High School Dance.


Unused Dry Ice. Leftover.
Take the plunge and ask , “Can I take this home?”


Already Schooled.


The special effect tech has already talked of lasers.
And blind spots in his eye.


After a short beat, he says, “Sure.”


In the dark of midnight, I carry home the styrofoam-lined cardboard box.
In the morning, I make beakers of mad-scientist fog.


Motivated. Enthusiastic. Learning.


When I Was Young, We Played Around with Knives.

by aforgrave, April 3rd, 2013.

LISTEN to John Mann sing, “When I Played Around with Knives”

In the not too distant future (now past), I would go on to do a physics degree, and while employed at the Ontario Science Centre, freeze things super cold solid with liquid nitrogen.

We need (not just careful, purposeful) exploratory PLAY in our learning.

#NPM2013: Prompt 1

April is National Poetry Month. Check out budtheteacher ‘s NPM2013 Daily Prompts, and unleash your inner poet!