Prompt: Photo and Text
There are plenty of fences to climb, and plenty of good reasons to climb them. When do fences keep you out and when do fences keep you in?
My Poem: Events in March 2011
A burst of energy released.
Light. Heat. Steam.
I fly free.
Momentarily alive.
Not contained.
I am excited!!!
I seek a friend.
Or two.
Yee Haw!
Yet wait.
Something is different.
Flying further. Farther. Freer.
Not contained, my flight takes me beyond the entrapments of my peers.
Through some hole ripped in the fence.
Unchallenged, others, like me, join me, break free.
Cascading in a chain reaction.
Rebelling against boundaries.
Tsunami-ing our way,
Finding friends, a massive exodus of uncontrolled excitement.
Escaping from this place.
Now out. Into a larger space.
A much, much larger space.
Silent. Unseen. Unknown.
Bourne now by the Wind. The Water. Dust.
What havoc might we wreak?
How long before detection?
How long a life I wonder, now so thusly free?
So hard to catch us now…
yee haw.
National Poetry Month, Day 0
Find @budtheteacher‘s daily NPM prompts.
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