My good friend and colleague Doug Peterson (@dougpete on Twitter) called me out on his Doug – Off the Record blog this morning, in the introduction to his post entitled, Haiku Deck for iPad Presentations. Before I get into this, I should mention that Doug astounds me with the regularity of his postings — they arrive every day (at 5:01 am), and many times will be the first thing I read in the morning. Kind of an Internet alarm clock, as it were. If he’s missed a day in the last — oh, I don’t know how long — I must not have been paying attention.
I initially started to compose my reply to his call out in the comment box on his blog, but then decided that all the links would trip up his Akismet plug-in. And so I post it here.
So Doug said:
And so, my response. I will let #twHaiku do the talking.
The mighty #twHaiku,
Captures an essence of thought,
In Tweeting moments …
Mighty Haiku Deck
Did not escape attention,
‘Twas just averse to verse.
And similarly,
the LMS named Haiku,
Also caught my glance.
Tried also Hycku
Social site for poetry.
Posed a mighty koan.
This epic treatise,
From Amazon’s far reaches,
Informs consumption.
And in closing,
Some contemplations,
Gather in rumination.
May one day inform.
Thus our moments flow,
#twHaiku blips in Twitter’s stream.
Precious, pure, and gold.
I realize that one typically does not present Haiku together — each should stand on its own. And each of these does. But together they also provide a bit of a narrative. With some spaces in between.
If you’ve followed this far, you may be interested in “#whatsasyllableamongfriends” on
So much fun! And I love being a part of the community woken up to their thinking day by Doug! I have this image of tousle-haired, bathrobe clad educators all over the place, all clicking and smiling, and nodding as they read.