Shivery, Quivery, Frosty Freezy GIF

Shivery Quivery Frosty Freezy animated GIF

“Shivery Quivery Frosty Freezy GIF” animated GIF by aforgave

In honour of the Winter Solstice (the point where the sun is at it’s lowest point and the days are the shortest), we’ve been having some icy weather. Although our power flickered twice on Saturday evening, we’ve been fortunate to continue to have our electricity, unlike Toronto and other parts of Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada which have been clobbered and have suffered major outages.

We have, however, had a good accumulation of ice, and we basically hunkered down on Saturday and stayed indoors. Venturing out this morning allowed for some careful walking and driving, and a bit of grocery shopping. The Wigglegram above gives you a sense of the burden the tree branches are under.

As I took these images, a couple of trees around the court each gave a mighty creak. But they held their loads …

When Winter comes a-calling, we need to welcome her with respect and care.