Responsibilities of all Directors
- Understand the role and responsibilities of their position;
- Attend meetings of the Board;
- Actively promote the goals of the organization;
- Solicit information for the ECOO web site as required;
- Coordinate projects and other duties as assigned by the Board: e.g. membership, communications, professional learning, outreach and network development.
The following descriptions of responsibilities are provided for reasons of illustration only.
The President is responsible for:
- at his or her option, acting as Chairperson of meetings of the Board of Directors and of the members. If the President declines to chair such meetings, the Directors shall choose one of their numbers to be Chairperson of such meetings.
- the general management and supervision of the affairs and operations of the Corporation.
- with the Secretary or other officer appointed by the Board for the purpose, signing all bylaws. During the absence or inability of the President, his or her duties and powers may be exercised by the Project Manager or the Communications Manager, or such other director as the Board may from time to time appoint for the purpose, exercises any such duty or power, the absence or inability of the President shall be presumed with reference thereto.
- ensuring that the Directors of the Board are aware of their responsibilities the Board in its compliance with applicable laws.
- setting the agenda for all meetings and, in cooperation with the Secretary, making it available prior to each meeting date.
- ensuring that an appropriate director will preside over meetings.
- ensuring that all meetings are conducted according to the accepted rules of order.
- ensuring that ECOO maintains positive and productive relationships with other organizations.
- serving as the primary spokesperson for the organization.
- ensuring that a nomination committee is struck in preparation for the AGM.
- representing the organization to the media.
- representing the organization on Ministry or non-governmental committees.
- liaising with subject associations, non-profit and other organizations.
- being one of the signing officers and may be authorized to countersign cheques, correspondences, contracts or other documents on behalf of the organization.
- perform the duties of the President in his or her absence.
- assume the duties assigned by the President.
The Secretary is responsible for:
- maintaining records of all minutes of and resolutions from meetings of the Executive, Board, and the membership.
- to maintain a record of official correspondence under the direction of the Board.
- to maintain the archives of the organization.
The Treasurer is responsible for:
- ensuring proper accounts of all funds received or disbursed are kept.
- issuing receipts for all funds received.
- depositing all funds received in a financial institution in the name of the Corporation.
- investing funds of the Corporation on instruction of the Board.
- keeping securities of the Corporation in a safety deposit box at a financial institution in the name of the Corporation.
- submitting to the Board for approval all accounts of an unusual nature.
- paying by cheque all accounts authorized by the Board.
- paying by cheque all the usual accounts of the Corporation.
- presenting an interim financial report in writing at each meeting of the Board.
- presenting annually a detailed and fully audited financial report for the preceding fiscal year.
- preparing for presentation to the Board annually a detailed budget at the first meeting of the fiscal year.
- preparing for presentation to the annual meeting of members the detailed budget approved by the Board.
- serve as the treasurer of the annual ECOO conference.
Director-at-Large (4 members)
The 4 roles of Director-at-Large have been defined with two year terms to allow for a Board that brings in skills and talent to support Board initiatives. These added positions will also help provide continuity and director development that may lead to movement towards the executive positions. These positions will assist in taking on tasks that relate to ECOO priorities (e.g.; Professional Learning, Strategic Communications, Managing Growth).
Some specific activities undertaken by a Director-at-Large may include:
- the supervision of ECOO projects beyond the annual conference.
- providing oversight and development of Special Interest Groups and reporting to the Board on their behalf.
- recommending to the Board the creation of ad-hoc positions to assist with special projects.
- supervising ECOO communications-related activities (website, social media, news releases).
Conference Chair
- appointed by the Board, not an elected position
Past President
act as chairperson of the Nominations Committee.