About ECOOcamp
The ECOOcamp model meets in the middle between a grass-roots organized single-day EdCamp and a full-fledged multi-day conference. The first three ECOOcamps took place on Saturdays, coordinated by ECOO and representatives from local school boards. Prior to the 2019-20 year, three ECOOcamps had been undertaken.
ECOOcamps in 2019-20
A motion at the November 2019 board meeting had put plans in place to undertake 5 regional ECOOcamp events around Ontario in the 2019-20 term, but the arrival of the pandemic in March 2020 put a halt to all planning for face-to-face events, including our annual Bring IT, Together conference. As a result, representatives from a number of intended sites worked with ECOO to produce ECOOcamp Ontario, one large, collaborative, online, province-wide conference that took place in August, 2020.
As we looked towards the 2020-2021 school year, the only guarantee that we had was that it would be different. We had an opportunity to think about ways in which we could harness the power of educational technology to nurture change in our own learning and well-being, and that of our students.
The August, 2020 province-wide ECOOcamp Ontario offered virtual professional learning designed and delivered for educators by educators, and provided opportunities to build professional learning networks. Our role as educators in our schools and communities charges us with a critical responsibility to help support today’s children as they learn in this challenging time of change and growth, and ECOOcamp Ontario 2020 was one way in which Ontario educators rose to meet this challenge.
If you were not able to attend but would like to access the session recordings and resources, you can browse the session descriptions, and access the full resources by registering.
Previous Events
- ECOOcamp Ontario 2020 – August 25-27, 2020 (online conference)
- ECOOcamp Peterborough 2019 – August 27th, 2019
- ECOOcamp Owen Sound 2019 – May 4th, 2019
- ECOOcamp Owen Sound 2018 – April 14th, 2018