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Bring IT, Together


#vBIT21 Bring IT, Together! returned in February 2021

BIT returned on February 26 and 27, in a virtual event format! ECOO and OASBO-ICT again collaborated to coproduce another exciting event, bringing together educators, ICT professionals, and Education Technology companies to share and learn. We thank everyone who participated, and look forward to meeting up again!

Session Archives from #vBIT21 Bring IT, Together!

Session Recordings and Virtual Exhibit Booth content will remain available to #vBIT21 delegates on the conference site within the Whova platform for six months from the event dates. 

About #BIT Bring IT, Together and ECOO Conferences

Bring IT, Together is an annual conference hosted by ECOO and OASBO-ICT.

The conference is unique in that it “brings together” all those involved with educational technology in education: Teachers, Principals, Computer Consultants, Superintendents, Directors of Education, CIOs, ICT Managers, ICT Technicians, Support staff and TeLO Technology Enabled Learning & Teaching Contacts & District eLearning Contacts, as well as representatives from the leading education technology companies.  ECOO represents primarily users of technology.  OASBO-ICT represents those on the technical side of providing and supporting the technology in schools.

Sadly, the BIT20 event set for November 2020 in Niagara Falls had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we were fortunate in being able to provide the virtual #vBIT21 event in February, 2021. 

The previous face-to-face BIT19 conference coincided with the 40th Anniversary of ECOO, and represented the 40th annual conference since the founding of the organization in 1979.   To maintain a learning opportunity for Ontario educators in 2020, ECOO also hosted a virtual summer conference, ECOOcampON during August 2020, featuring 3 keynotes, 105 sessions, a lunch and learn event, two vendor playgrounds, and over 200 door prizes! As the challenge of meeting face-to-face continues for the time being, ECOO is again planning a virtual ECOOcampON 2021 for this coming summer. Don’t miss it!  

  • Session descriptions, recordings, and resources from ECOOcampON 2020 are archived and available to ECOO members. 
  • ECOO has also offered a number of support series PD events during the 2020-21 school year: session resources and recordings from the Fall Support Series and Winter Support Series are available on-demand to ECOO members. Registration in the Spring Support Series opens March 11th, with events running in March and April, 2021.