A Katamit’s Private Thoughts

With all that capacity up there in the braincase, the Katamit is able to both communicate telepathically with the earthlings, but also reserve some bandwidth for his own secure and private thoughts.

Would that our intrepid hero Cryptographer Michael Chambers had spent more time trying to decipher the Katamit text before getting on that ship.

"A Katamit's Private Thoughts," animated GIF, by aforgrave, from "To Serve Man"

“A Katamit’s Private Thoughts,” animated GIF, by aforgrave, extended from “To Serve Man

Of course, once our intrepid hero’s colleague, Patty, spilled the beans, it caused a bit of a kerfuffle on Earth.

"Oops, My Bad!" animated GIF, by aforgrave, from "To Serve Men"

“Oops, My Bad!” animated GIF, by aforgrave, extended from To Serve Man

However, by that time, our intrepid hero was en route to the Katamit homeworld, with only a simple redeeming thought for solace. Perhaps he is able to decipher THIS simple code? Can you?

"Some Solace for the Codebreaker..." animated GIF by aforgrave, extended from "To Serve Man"

“Some Solace for the Codebreaker…” animated GIF by aforgrave, extended from To Serve Man

My GIF-eye-tis must really be acting up. I’m finding it difficult to do any ds106 assignment that doesn’t wind up a GIF.

I guess there are worse afflictions.


Brian Short’s eagle eyes managed to pick out an also-altered sub-heading in the newspaper, “Scandal: It’s a Cookbook.”  Given that I had also altered some other headlines in the paper that became illegible with the motion and the blur effects I applied during the newspaper animation, I am posting a still of the newspaper here.

“Oops, My Bad” Newspaper (still) by aforgrave, on Flickr