Bending Time

"Rift in the Space-Time Continuum ... Convenient". by aforgrave, on Flickr

“Rift in the Space-Time Continuum … Convenient”. by aforgrave, on Flickr

“Making night time work,
A convenient answer,
Bending the space-time.”

FlickrHaiku, TwHaiku, InstagramHaiku

I came across this solution, while seeking answers.
While still not the long-promised DayDoubler**, it’s nonetheless a start.
— At the Petro-Can, 10:10 pm.  June 11th, 2012.

I would have seen a mock ad for **DayDoubler sometime in the mid-90s, posted on a bulletin board outside the technicians’ work room at our DSB. (The room later served as our training lab, our PD library, and the home to our original web and email servers.) At the time, Connectrix marketed a variety of software solutions that served to attempt to extend memory (RAM Doubler) and storage (Disk Doubler) so that the computers of the day could do more with less than they actually needed.

The fictional Day Doubler never materialized. LOL.

Searching the web this evening discovered this text:

DayDoubler is a new product from Connectrix that gives you those extra hours in each day that we’ve been asking for. Using sophisticated time mapping and compression techniques to double the number of hours in the day, DayDoubler gives you access to 48 hours each day. With the shareware hack MaxDay, you can easily stretch your day to 60, 72, or even 96 hours! Connectrix warns that at the higher numbers DayDoubler becomes less stable and that you run the risk of a temporal crash in which everything from the beginning of time to the present would come crashing down around you, sucking you into a black hole.

Should this occur, be sure to reboot with the shift key down.

Source: Nov. 21, 1994: Brady Johnson,
TidBITS: DayDoubler.


A few years later, a colleague would regularly compliment me by wishing he had two of me. At one particularly important juncture, he wished he had three.

Over the years, I have also tried to find the companion product Clone Yourself, to no avail.
