Julia Child is “The Cookist”

“Julia Child is “The Cookist” by aforgrave, on Flickr

On Wednesday, January 23rd, the prompt for The Daily Create was just too good to ignore. Ideas started flowing even before I went seeking an image to use for the assignment.

tdc381 – Design a poster of an action movie starring Julia Child. (!!!)

See — how could you not want to try that?

This particular Daily Create took me a long time to complete — in part because I was really enthused about the concept, and in part because I was wrestling with a technical issue that had me downloading the image editing application Gimp to a backup computer and working there with that similar-to-photoshop-but-different software. In the end, after spending a lot of time working within Gimp on Wednesday evening (and again on Thursday evening), I finally got things sorted out on my main computer and switched back over to Photoshop tonight to get to where I wanted to go. It became much easier and quicker then to access the tools where I was used to finding them and finish the job.

However, even before I had approached my computer to make a start on Wednesday, I’d done some background reading about Julia Child on the iPad, and had a number of possible titles and “critics comments” bouncing around in my head that were looking for a home on the poster, so I was certainly motivated to push on and get the poster done, rather than leaving it unfinished.

So Although this didn’t wind up going exactly the way I originally envisioned it, I learned a lot along the way.

Rather than extending this post, I’m going to write up the details above as a quasi-tutorial, using the following headings:

  • Working Backwards
  • The Benefits of some Research
  • The Plan
  • Finding The Resources and Nixing Some
  • Creating My Way Forward Until I Stopped

But this Daily Create was fun. It needs to be a full blown ds106 assignment. 🙂