The Daily Create, tdc1988, asks “If you were an animal, what animal would you be?”
My first thought was to go with “human,” and slide in a picture of da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man — but I then thought that might be a bit of a cop out, and decided to engage a bit more fully with the prompt.
Following along the notion of ds106 creativity, I turned to Google (!!) and searched “creative animal” for some inspiration.
- The first item returned in the list was the Creative Animal Foundation, which looked interesting (tiny house on wheels, roaming the continent promoting sustainability)
- The second item was Images for creative animal
- The third was a variant for the first The Creative Animal Tiny House Tour – Creative Animal Foundation
- the fourth link down the list jumped out as a workable premise: 30 Most Creative Animal Logo Designs – I could make a logo for my creative animal?
- The fifth entry in the Google search was, “Creative Creatures: 10 Animals That Use Tools,” and the list that resulted was chimpanzees, crows, orangutans, elephants, dolphins, sea otters, gorillas, octopuses, macaques, and rodents. No real inspiration there. Does a crow count as an animal? An owl, pensive but capable of flight was appealing, but again, it’s a bird, isn’t it?
- Next came, which is the shingle site for a graphic designer, web designer, and developer.
None of this really got me anywhere. I like the creative animal idea. How to represent that?
Still, all that time spent swimming around in ponds and chewing down trees didn’t sound too appealing. I don’t do a lot of that myself. Plus, as a rodent, it was #10 on that list of creative animals.
It’s July 1st. I could slap a red Canadian Maple Leaf on the Vitruvian Man, and go with that? On second thought, that might not go over too well.
Okay. I started this post on June 19. It’s time to make my decision.
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