Letters from the Edge

This post by Rodd Lucier originally appeared on his blog on February 22, 2013.

It’s here!

Letters from the Edge‘ is the collaboratively authored ‘book’ from this past summer’s UnPlug’d 12 event.  We really struggled with the challenge of authoring a book that could be accessible by on any multi-media device, so rather than adopting a portable book format, we settled on HTML5.

Coding our book using modern HTML, results in a work that can be experienced in similar ways whether viewing on desktop, tablet, or smartphone.  The format also allows us to engage audio, video and photo elements to deliver a multimedia reading experience.

I encourage you to take time to savour our e-publication.  The letters were written and edited by educators from Canada, the USA and Australia who participated in the first international UnPlug’d event.  Video and audio elements were recorded at ‘The Edge‘, our host site, which is perched on the border of Algonquin Park.

UnPlugd12 authors can be followed on Twitter and through the personal blogs which are highlighted alongside each letter.  Although the back-stories are known only to the participants, I’m sure that you’ll be able to relate to the lessons shared between the pixels.