Feature of the day – les ressources en français

Bonjour tout le monde!

A conversation that I had with my sister-in-law at the beginning of the month centred around the worry of the french as a first language, french immersion and core french teachers that they would not be able to reach their students in a meaningful way as so much of their students’ learning was from oral sources and constant immersion in the language in the classroom. How do you do that when you’re at home?!

When we were brainstorming about the function of this website, we knew that we really needed to try to support our french teachers. We hope that we have started a repository of french resources that you can use with your students but we certainly will add more if you let us know some tool that is working beautifully for you and we’re missing it.

You’ll find read-aloud books and magazines for K-12  as well as wonderful videos and activities that have been made available to all educators during this emergency remote learning time in the Online Tools under ‘Collected Resources’. In this same tab, you even have complimentary access to Pearson’s Mathology resource for K-3.

If you want your students to do Yoga en français, there’s even a resource tab for Wellness!

All School Board resources are in the tab ‘COVID-19 School Board Resources’.  French boards have a program for Apprendre à la maison and now they’re in one place! Lots of boards like CSPNEO and Mon Avenir CSC have daily tasks for K-12 each week. Why reinvent the wheel when we can share instead.

We’re excited to be able to offer this platform for our french educators and will soon have tags to make your navigation to french resources even easier but for now, breathe. That’s our mantra too. Let us know how we can support you further.  Rester bien. #OntarioEducatorsUnite