The Tenets of Dudism

I can’t pretend that I fully understand the deeper nuances of Jim Groom’s new Animated GIF assignment 972, “At Least It’s an Ethos,” (“…so Walter Sobchack is referring to Nihilism in the scene we are quoting when defining National Socialism as an ethos, my idea for this (now convoluted) assignment ….“) but I figured that Bill and Ted‘s continual use of “Dude” and “Party-on, Dude” constituted some kind of -ism, and the framing of Robert V. Barron as Abraham Lincoln was just too good not to GIF. The second GIF works wonderfully as a summative representation of the 87 “dude” utterances in the movie, and does, very concisely, represent their Dudism tenet. That, and the finger-wiggler was a dead-give-away smack-me-on-the-side-of-the-head-and-GIF-it-NOW image.

Abraham Lincoln Finger-Wiggler GIF by aforgrave

Abraham Lincoln Finger-Wiggler GIF by aforgrave

"Party-On, Dudes" Dudism GIF, by aforgrave

“Party-On, Dudes” Dudism GIF, by aforgrave

The "Big-Lebowski-Ethos-Dudism" Animated GIF, by aforgrave

The “Big-Lebowski-Ethos-Dudism” Animated GIF, by aforgrave

You want more highbrow? Here are Bill and Ted, saying “Dude,” over and over again.

And if you enjoyed that, you may enjoy this video of Homer Simson saying “doh!”

Wonders never cease.